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Book Review: Diamond of Life

The Diamond of Life book by Mick Owens

The first of a four-part series that will look at the four main chapters in Mick Owens’ Diamond of Life. Chapter 1, “Home Plate: Determining Your Power and Purpose,” will hit “lead off” in the four-part series.

The first of a four-part series that will look at the four main chapters in Mick Owens’ The Diamond of Life.

Chapter 1: “Home Plate: Determining Your Power and Purpose.”

Diamond of Life is created around a baseball analogy, which Mick Owens’ uses to illustrate the importance of spiritual, personal, and professional development.

The book starts by putting readers on home base, which Mick explains is a key foundation when looking to balance your purpose, power, personal, people and performance (the Five P’s of Success and Significance) with instructions found in the Word of God.

But all too often, people want to skip home base and race to third, which largely focuses on financial and material goals. Mick explains that it’s critical to know that a life well-lived must consist of touching all bases. This starts with spending time at home base to better understand your purpose and power.


“Each of us will hopefully want to honestly figure out our purpose in life,” Mick writes to open the section titled, “Purpose.” God has given us free will, and following His purpose will make our lives more fulfilling, while creating a better world.

For centuries, philosophers, scientists, and countless others have attempted to answer the question, “What is the purpose of life?” And, perhaps more importantly, “How does a person live in a way that fulfills that purpose?”

For Christians, Mick explains, the ultimate purpose is to praise Him, love Him, and love others. “He has given us the individual talents and gifts to use in order to do that praise and loving,” Mick writes, “However, we can’t do any of it until we come to Him, admit we are sinners, accept His grace, and live a repentant life.”


In the Power section, Mick takes a step back and explains that knowledge is power. He challenges readers to put their knowledge to work in the right way for the right reason, at the right time, for the right things.

“Then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:5-6

Mick then explains that knowledge comes primarily from two sources. Most people seek wisdom through study, experiences, and trial and error. A “hard knocks” approach to life. But many overlook the other primary source of knowledge – the Word of the Lord.

“Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become ‘fools’ so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God,” states 1 Corinthians 3:18-19.

With the “home base” set as the foundation, the reader is ready to move into the next chapters of the book. If you understand that He plays a central role in all aspects of your life, you’ll find Diamond of Life an insightful, thought-provoking book. Even if you believe He has less of an influence, Diamond of Life will challenge your thinking and it may prompt you to reconsider how you see the world.

Diamond of Life, Mick Owens, August 18th 2017

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