Social Security’s Role In Retirement
Only 33% of today’s pre-retirees expect that social security will be a major source of retirement income – nearly 67% of retirees say Social Security is their major source of income.
Personal Finance Numbers To Know
With personal finance, understanding the numbers can be critical for your long-term financial health. In this article, you’ll learn about net worth, credit scores. credit card debt, mortgage balances, interest rates, and social security benefits.
Myths And Facts About Social Security
Social Security is an important source of retirement income for most Americans. Here are the biggest myths and facts about Social Security, retirement savings, and pension.
Social Security’s Uncertain Future: What You Should Know
Social Security is a pay-as-you go system, which means today’s workers are paying taxes for the benefits received by today’s retirees. However, demographic trends such as lower birth rates, higher retirement rates, and longer life spans are causing long-run fiscal challenges. There are simply not enough U.S. workers to support the growing number of beneficiaries. Social Security is not in danger of collapsing, but the clock is ticking on the program’s ability to pay full benefits.
Social Security Retirement Benefit Basics
Social Security benefits are a major source of retirement income for most people. Your Social Security retirement benefit is based on
the number of years you’ve been working and the amount you’ve earned. When you begin taking Social Security benefits also greatly affects the size of your benefit.