One of the best resources for “real-time updates” on how retirees are settling into retirement is the Retirement Confidence Survey, which has been conducted for the past 33 years by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.


When our nation’s lawmakers updated the retirement rules in late 2022, they “tilted the table” a bit toward Roth Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), providing several updates that make them more accessible to individual investors.

Retirement Rules Approved By Lawmakers


In the final days of 2022, our nation’s
lawmakers came together and approved a slate of changes designed to help Americans save more for retirement.

Contribution Limits For 2023

Not much good can come from a period of high inflation.
However, if you had to search for a silver lining, it is that the Internal Revenue Service in late 2022 announced historic increases in the contribution limits for retirement plans.1

Myths And Facts About Social Security

social security

Social Security is an important source of retirement income for most Americans. Here are the biggest myths and facts about Social Security, retirement savings, and pension.

Retirement Plan Considerations at Different Stages of Life

retirement planning through all stages of life

Throughout your career, retirement
planning will likely be one of the most important components of your overall financial plan. Whether you have just graduated and taken your first job, are starting a family, are enjoying your peak earning years, or are preparing to retire, your employer-sponsored retirement plan can play a key role in your financial strategies.

Medicaid And Nursing Home Care

As you enter your 60s and 70s, health may become more of an issue than it once was, and your thoughts may turn to the future. Who will take care of you when you can no longer care for yourself? If you must enter a nursing home, how will you pay for it? By learning as much as you can about Medicaid right now and planning appropriately, you may be able to resolve these issues and create a more secure future.

Nuts And Bolts: How to Roll Over Your Employer Retirement Plan Assets

When leaving your job or retiring, you have several options available for managing your retirement plan assets. You may be able to leave the money in your current plan, if your employer allows. Or you can take a lump-sum cash distribution, which will be subject to income tax and a 10% penalty if you’re under age 59½ (unless an exception applies), resulting in a potentially significant tax bill. Finally, you can roll the money into another tax-deferred account, preserving the primary tax advantages.

Common Factors Affecting Retirement Income

When it comes to planning for your retirement income, it’s easy to overlook some of the common factors that can affect how much you’ll have available to spend. If you don’t consider how your retirement income can be impacted by investment risk, inflation risk, catastrophic illness or long-term care, and taxes, you may not be able to enjoy the retirement you envision.

Social Security Retirement Benefit Basics

Social Security benefits are a major source of retirement income for most people. Your Social Security retirement benefit is based on
the number of years you’ve been working and the amount you’ve earned. When you begin taking Social Security benefits also greatly affects the size of your benefit.