Should We Consider an Individual Living Trust or a Family Trust?

One benefit to self-insurance is that you can pocket money that you have paid in insurance premiums. Learn more about whether self-insurance is a concept you’d like to explore further with your financial adviser.
A Split-Annuity Strategy

One benefit to self-insurance is that you can pocket money that you have paid in insurance premiums. Learn more about whether self-insurance is a concept you’d like to explore further with your financial adviser.
Extended Care: No Decision Is a Decision

There’s an old saying that “No decision is a decision.” By creating a strategy for extended care, you’ve made the decision to be prepared in the event of an unexpected turn.
Can an HSA Account Play a Role in Retirement?

The secret is out on health savings accounts (HSA), and people of all ages are starting to embrace them as a way to pay for healthcare expenses.
Charitable Giving Strategies

Everyone aspires to leave the world a better place, sometimes that means planning a more defined approach to their charitable giving strategy.
Medicare Open Enrollment

If you’re on Medicare, put an X on your calendar for October 15th, and mark another X for December 7th. This is the open enrollment period for existing Medicare enrollees who want to make changes to their coverage, and those changes go into effect beginning on January 1st, 2024.
Personal Finance Numbers To Know

With personal finance, understanding the numbers can be critical for your long-term financial health. In this article, you’ll learn about net worth, credit scores. credit card debt, mortgage balances, interest rates, and social security benefits.

One of the best resources for “real-time updates” on how retirees are settling into retirement is the Retirement Confidence Survey, which has been conducted for the past 33 years by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
Retirement Rules Approved By Lawmakers

In the final days of 2022, our nation’s
lawmakers came together and approved a slate of changes designed to help Americans save more for retirement.
Myths And Facts About Social Security

Social Security is an important source of retirement income for most Americans. Here are the biggest myths and facts about Social Security, retirement savings, and pension.