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Giving Back During the Holidays

Senior woman volunteering at a community kitchen during the holiday season, serving food with a smile

Americans are a generous bunch.’s 2024 survey showed that individuals gave an estimated $374.1 billion to U.S. charities. That’s just under $3,000 from each household. As you can imagine, a large portion of charitable contributions happen in the “giving season” between Thanksgiving and Christmas.1,2

But what if you want to do something more than make a dollar donation? What if you feel a calling to give back more to the community? Take this quiz to learn more about how others are making a difference.

Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” John 14:6

Giving Back During the Holidays

1 / 6

During the holidays, homeless shelters and other community projects tend to need more volunteers to help with the influx of people and projects. The number of volunteers increases by what percentage during the holiday season?3

2 / 6

The expression “paying it forward” refers to a situation in which the beneficiary of a good deed repays it in kindness to others rather than “paying it back” to the original beneficiary. What percentage of Americans say they “pay it forward” whenever possible?4

3 / 6

At last check, the US Census Bureau numbered the U.S. population at  337.1 million. How many say they volunteer each year?5

4 / 6

At last check, 40% of Fortune 500 companies offer volunteer grant programs. Beyond that, 66% of companies will pay for employees to participate in volunteer programs. How much do Fortune 500 companies pay these employees?6

5 / 6

What age group tends to volunteer the most?7

6 / 6

There are a variety of hurdles that prevent people from donating their time. Some say they lack the time or have financial constraints. Others suggest that they have “limited awareness of opportunities.” For those who can find the time, what’s the average monthly commitment?8

Your score is

The average score is 21%


Answer key:

  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B


5–6 Correct: Did you read an article on volunteering?

3–4 Correct: Sounds like you may have some volunteering experience!

0-2 Correct: Pop quizzes must not be your thing!

  1., June 25, 2024. Statista reports that there were 131.43 million households in the U.S. in 2023.
  2., 2024. The National Library of Medicine is part of the NIH.
  3., November 23, 2023
  4., March 27, 2024
  5., 2024
  6., 2024
  7., 2024
  8., November 23, 2023

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