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Holiday Shopping Quiz

man sitting by Christmas tree while online shopping

How many people are on your shopping list this holiday season? Most people will give between six and ten gifts at Christmas, but 11% of people will buy more than twenty gifts this year. What’s the most popular gift? A gift card, closely followed by clothing and accessories, with books and media-related gifts (computers, tablets, phones) finishing a distant third.1

Take our quiz below and see how much you know about holiday shopping. And if you find yourself in a holiday shopping crowd and you are questioning the true meaning of Christmas-please remember one of our favorite scripture quotes, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Isaiah 9:6-7


Holiday Shopping Quiz

1 / 6

What percentage of TOTAL retail spending in 2023 will happen between the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas?

2 / 6

What percentage of U.S. consumers plan to celebrate on Christmas day?³

3 / 6

Although fake Christmas trees have seen an uptick in popularity, some believe that nothing beats the real thing. How many real trees are sold every year?⁴

4 / 6

Online shopping is convenient and can offer a variety of products you may not be able to find at your local shops. What percentage of holiday shoppers prefer to shop online?⁵

5 / 6

Some people are well-organized when it comes to holiday shopping, while others tend to wait until the last minute to buy gifts. What percentage of gift-spending occurs the final week before Christmas?⁵

6 / 6

In 2022, an American Greeting Survey found that nearly everybody loves getting a holiday card. But we live in a digital world, so not every holiday card has a stamp. What percentage of holiday cards were digital in 2022?⁶

Your score is

The average score is 29%








¹, May 19th 2023.

², August 2nd 2023.

³, 2023.

⁴, December 26th 2022.

⁵, December 20th 2022.

⁶, November 29th 2022.

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