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Lifestyle: Quiz: Passwords

Password message written on sticky notes in computer keyboard.

It’s a simple task, but almost 50% of people don’t do it.1

Changing your password can be one of the most effective strategies to thwart cybercriminals. But survey after survey shows people rarely reset their passwords.

At our annual CFD Adviser conference in September 2024, we had a presenter from the FBI who explained that “cybercriminals are opportunists.” If you make it just a little harder for the cybercriminal, the FBI explained, they may simply pass you by.

Take our quiz on passwords and see if cybercriminals may choose to “pass you by” or if they might consider you a potential target.


1 / 5

Hackers often use what’s called a simple “brute force attack,” which is a trial-and-error method of trying to guess a user’s credentials without using software. What percentage of weak passwords can be cracked using a “brute force attack?”2

2 / 5

Hackers may know more about you than you think. What percentage of adults use birthdays or names in their passwords?

3 / 5

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method that requires users to provide two or more credentials to verify their identities. Common methods include a PIN sent to a phone or a code sent to an email. The Microsoft security team found that MFA reduces the risk of an account being compromised by:4

4 / 5

What percentage of people use multifactor authentication for online banking?5

5 / 5

What’s the #1 reason why consumers do not enable MFA?6

Your score is

The average score is 43%


Answer key:
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. B

4-5 Correct: You’re keeping up with cybersecurity trends!
2-3 Correct: You may want to consider upping your cybersecurity game.
0-1 Correct: When was the last time you changed a password?

  1., October 31, 2024
  2., October 24, 2024
  3., October 31, 2024
  4., 2024
  5., April 24, 2023
  6., April 24, 2023

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