Extended Care: No Decision Is a Decision

There’s an old saying that “No decision is a decision.” By creating a strategy for extended care, you’ve made the decision to be prepared in the event of an unexpected turn.
Can an HSA Account Play a Role in Retirement?

The secret is out on health savings accounts (HSA), and people of all ages are starting to embrace them as a way to pay for healthcare expenses.

When it comes to financial documents, two types of people
tend to exist–Oscars and Felixes, like the characters in Neil Simon’s “The Odd Couple.” The Felix record-keeper tends to be neatly organized, whereas the Oscar tends to be a bit jumbled.
Retirement Rules Approved By Lawmakers

In the final days of 2022, our nation’s
lawmakers came together and approved a slate of changes designed to help Americans save more for retirement.
Myths And Facts About Social Security

Social Security is an important source of retirement income for most Americans. Here are the biggest myths and facts about Social Security, retirement savings, and pension.
All About Credit Scores

It’s difficult to imagine functioning in today’s world without credit. Whether buying a car or purchasing a home, credit has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Having easy access to credit goes hand in hand with having a good credit score, so it’s important to know how to maintain a positive credit score and credit history.
10 Years and Counting: Points to Consider as You Approach Retirement

If you’re a decade or so away from retirement, you’ve probably spent at least some time thinking about this major life change. How will you manage the transition? Will you travel, take up a new sport or hobby, or spend more time with friends and family? Should you consider relocating? Will you continue to work in some capacity? Will changes in your income sources affect your standard of living?