Types of Risk
In the investment world, risk generally is associated with uncertainty. It refers to the possibility that you will lose some or all of your investment or that an investment will yield less than its anticipated return. The more volatile an investment is–the more unpredictable its returns–the riskier it is generally considered to be.
Signs of a Scam and How to Resist It
Although scammers often target older people, younger people who encounter scams are more likely to lose money to fraud, perhaps because they have less financial
experience. When older people do fall for a scam, however, they tend to have higher losses.
Life Insurance Beneficiary Mistakes To Avoid
Life insurance has long been recognized as a useful way to provide for your heirs and loved ones when you die. Naming your policy’s
beneficiaries should be a relatively simple task. However, there are several situations that can easily lead to unintended and adverse consequences you may want to avoid.
Trust Basics
Whether you’re seeking to manage your own assets, control how your assets are distributed after your death, or plan for incapacity, trusts can help you accomplish your estate planning goals. Their power is in their versatility-many types of trusts exist, each designed for a specific purpose. Although trust law is complex and establishing a trust requires the services of an experienced attorney, mastering the basics isn’t hard.
Trust Basics
Whether you’re seeking to manage your own assets, control how your assets are distributed after your death, or plan for incapacity, trusts can help you accomplish your estate planning goals. Their power is in their versatility — many types of trusts exist, each designed for a specific purpose. Although trust law is complex and establishing a trust requires the services of an experienced attorney, mastering the basics isn’t hard.